Course curriculum

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    Welcome to the course!

    • Welcome Spiritual Warriors!

    • How to use this course platform

    • A little bit of Housekeeping

    • Suggested Pacing for Successful Course Completion

    • Injesting the Text

    • Interacting with Lecture Content

    • Rev.Rynn's Bio

    • Before we begin...

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    1st Trimester: Hebrew* Testament (*Old)

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    Module I ~ Context I: The Timelessness of the Holy Bible - Variations, Context, & Contrast

    • Intro to the Timelessness of the Holy Bible

    • Class Prep ~ Context I: Contemplative Devotional Reading List

    • 'Cultivation of Faith' Practices

    • To get the most out of this course experience: Organizing your practices

    • What is the difference and how do I enter into these practices?

    • Clarification on Utilizing the Practices

    • Integrative Practices: Moving Meditations

    • Separation to Make Space for Awareness

    • Welcome, Mystical Christian - PDF companion

    • The Incorruptible Timelessness of the Bible

    • Straight from the Source - New Living Translation

    • Mysticism & Discernment - What is Mysticism?

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    Module II ~ Discernment I: Who Are You? - Dreamwork, Visions & The Gift of Interpretation

    • Dreamwork, Visions, and the Gift of Interpretation

    • Class Prep ~ Discernment I: Contemplative Devotional Reading List

    • Getting the most out of your Bible readings

    • With Eyes to See

    • Intro to Discernment Techniques

    • Distribution of Gifts

    • Sleeping on the Job

    • Follow the Divine Finger Pointing

    • Modern Day Visionaries

    • Biblical Case Studies - Jacob’s Ladder

    • Biblical Case Studies - Joseph’s Ministry with Dreams

    • Biblical Case Studies - Daniel the Wise One

    • Four Steps of Discernment

    • Discerning Your Role

    • Discerning Your Experience

    • Type 1: Genuine Mystic Experiences

    • Type 2: Delusions

    • Type 3: Spiritual Warfare

    • Type 4: A Compelling Ministry

    • How does God get past a resistant subconscious?

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    Module III ~ Embodiment I: Tormented - Saul & Job

    • Sitting with the Tormented Embodiments

    • Class Prep ~ Embodiment I: Contemplative Devotional Reading List

    • Getting in your own way: Spiritual Jealousy

    • Use What You’ve Got to Work With: Role Profiles

    • Staying on Track: More on the Four Types

    • Different strokes for different folks: Navigating based on Role

    • What's Saul Deal?!

    • What Broke Job?

    • Supporting The Internal Conversation

    • Social Support Systems

    • Discerning for YourSelf

    • What does 'Prophecy' mean?

    • What's Tripping Me Up?

    • Personal Warfare: Abuses

    • Mental Illness & NeuroDiversity

    • Enduring Torment

    • Embodiment Case Study: Saul

    • Embodiment Case Study: Job

    • yikes, that's complicated! - discerning delusion vs genuine experience

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    Module IV ~ Embodiment II: Anointed - Devotional David

    • Doing Devotions with the Anointed

    • Class Prep ~ Embodiment II: Contemplative Devotional Reading List

    • Know what works for you - David & Goliath (vs Saul)

    • Anointed & Blessed: David the Bridge Keeper

    • How to Make God Fall in Love

    • How do I apply these Case Studies to my life?

    • Lord Over the Sabbath

    • The Undeniable Authority of David

    • Blessed & Compensated

    • Intimacy with the Almighty

    • What exactly does Selah mean?

    • Embodiment Case Study: David

    • Designed to Endure

    • For the Love of God…

    • Getting Creative with the Creator

    • Small But Mighty

    • How Do You Surprise God

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    Module V ~ Equip I: Know Your Enemy - So, Monsters ARE Real !?! Demons, Monsters, & Angels

    • A Little Un-Orthodoxed: Breaking with [our] tradition

    • Class Prep ~ Equip I: Contemplative Devotional Reading List

    • 'I don't remember the Bible saying that!?!'

    • Physicality of Angels

    • Tetramorphs - Symbolism of the Four Beings

    • Were Mythical Creatures Ever Really Here?

    • Equipping for the Battle

    • Why God Permitted Biblical Genocide

    • Know Your Enemy

    • This topic gets a little hairy-scary…

    • Hierarchy of Heaven

    • Biblical Beastiary

    • Decoding Demonology

    • Mommy, Where did Demons come from?

    • Strix'in' Bible

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    Module VI ~ Spiritual Warfare I: The Battle for Your Soul

    • Spiritual Warfare: The Interdimensional Battleground

    • Class Prep ~ Spiritual Warfare I: Contemplative Devotional Reading List

    • How to be Receptive to Difficult Messages

    • How Real is the Battle Between Dark & Light?

    • Enduring Initiations

    • PsychoSomatic Manifestations of Trauma

    • Waiting… Waiting… Waiting on a Miracle

    • Awakened into Ministry

    • The Mark of the Beast

    • Don't Test God

    • Point Me to the Battlefield

    • Setting Your Sights On A Better Life

    • What is a Capstone Week?

    • Battle for the Soul

    • What is the purpose of my life?

    • Equipping for the Battle Between Good & Evil

    • The Four Cardinal Archangels

    • Who is this Archangel Samael?

    • Know What You Are Dealing With

    • The Brotherly Feud

    • End of the Trimester Feedback Survey

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    2nd Trimester: Christian* Testament (*New)

    • The New Christian Testament

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    Module VII ~ Discernment II: Condemned or Ordained Gifts? - Mediumship, Witchcraft, Sorcery

    • Discernment: Condemned or Ordained Gifts?

    • Class Prep ~ Discernment II: Contemplative Devotional Reading List

    • Power from the One True Source

    • The Price of Tragic Magic

    • Discerning Alignment & Governing Integrity

    • Integrity of Practitioner => Integrity of Advice

    • Set Apart as Holy: Sibling Rivalry Case Study - Moses, Miriam, and Aaron

    • 5 Perspectives of Experiencers

    • Motivation and Orientation - Testing Integrity

    • Expansion Beyond the Blood-Bound Borders of the Faith

    • How one ends up with 'abilities'

    • Can I Do Mediumship?

    • The 'Other Side' of the Bible: The Spirit Self

    • Discerning Impending & Perceived Threats

    • Lost in Translation: The Light & Perfection - Casting Lots and Divination

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    Module VIII ~ Embodiment III: יֵשׁוּעַ / ISUA / Yeshua / Jesus – Lamb of God / Son of Man

    • Embodiment III: The Man Himself - Namesake of the Faith

    • Class Prep ~ Embodiment III: Contemplative Devotional Reading List

    • Orienting Perspectives

    • Four Foci of the Gospels

    • Diversive Directions

    • Yeshua - Man - Son of Man

    • Jesus - Ministry - Fisher of Men

    • Exploring Yeshua's Gifts

    • Emmanuel - Messiah - Lamb of God

    • Biblical Afterlife Beliefs

    • Christ - Legacy - The Way, The Truth, the Light

    • Reconciling Your Beliefs

    • Safe enough to let your guard down

    • God's Chosen Few

    • Written on Your Heart

    • Initiation by the Three Baptisms - of Water, of Spirit, of Sacrifice

    • Triple Threat: The Gate, The Shepherd, and The Lamb

    • Sermon - Triple Threat: The Gate, The Shepherd, & The Lamb

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    Module IX ~ Embodiment IV: John - Revealer of Secrets

    • John, The Revealer

    • Class Prep ~ Embodiment IV: Contemplative Devotional Reading List

    • John's Role in Yeshua's Ministry

    • Persecuted, yet Preserved - John's Mission

    • Evangelism vs Pre-Destined

    • John's Layered Trinity of Ministries

    • Which Character Are You?

    • Answering the Callings

    • The Ugly Side of Missions

    • You Might Not Like It When God Answers Prayers

    • Heart Of Service

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    Module X ~ Equip II: The Mouthpiece of God - Is God Still Speaking? Old & New Testament Prophets

    • Equip II: The Mouthpiece of God ~ Is God Still Speaking?

    • Class Prep ~ Equip II: Contemplative Devotional Reading List

    • Plumbline of Prophecy

    • Equal in God's Eye

    • Don't Think You Are Better Than You Are! - The Shady Side of Humility

    • Premonition, Intuition, Prophecy

    • Psychic Sources of Information

    • In A Good Way With Gifts

    • Facilitating the Future

    • Changing of the Times

    • The Unexpected Origins

    • Negotiating with God

    • The Choice of No Choice

    • Warning Signs - Discerning Messengers of God and Spirit

    • Discerning Your Gifts

    • Dedicated to Your Ministry

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    Module XI ~ Spiritual Warfare II: Fight for Your Life

    • Fighting For Your Life

    • Class Prep ~ Spiritual Warfare II: Contemplative Devotional Reading List

    • Fight for Your Life

    • Is delusion the end of my story?

    • Under the Influence of Others

    • Tuning Yourself to the Dis-Ease

    • Reawakening of Warfare

    • Point Me to My Battle

    • How You, NOT How To

    • The Angel of the Lord

    • Religious Ritual Practices

    • Divining Your Life's Purpose

    • Spiritual Fight For Your Life

    • What does your ministry look like?

    • End of the Trimester Feedback Survey

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    3rd Trimester: Deutero-Biblical* (*since Cannonization)

    • The Continuation of the Faith

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    Module XII ~ Discernment III: Knowing (& Swallowing) Your Place in HIStory - Which Side / Flavour

    • Discernment III: Knowing Your Place in HIS-story

    • Class Prep ~ Discernment III: Contemplative Devotional Reading List

    • The Modern Testament

    • The Black & White of Lies

    • Living A Heart Lead Life

    • The Tantric Evolution of Consciousness

    • Swallowing The Short Straw Missions

    • Mercenary Ministry

    • Hard Hearts & Plugged Ears

    • Cube of Allegiance

    • Is Your Cell: Prison or Monastic?

    • Purpose of Your Impact

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    Module XIII ~ Context II: Evangelical Experientialism & Ecstatic Mysticism

    • Experiencing Expectations of the Prophetic Frenzy

    • Class Prep ~ Context II: Contemplative Devotional Reading List

    • Fundamentalist Conservatism

    • Evangelical Experientialism

    • Ecstatic Mysticism

    • Shamanic Roots of Experientialism Lost is the Broken Telephone of the Oral Tradition

    • The Evolution of Access to God

    • The Importance of Spiritual Self Care

    • Keeping God in Love with Humanity

    • Attunement Through Music

    • Facing God

    • Four Types of Ecstatic Practices

    • Self Care for God

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    Module XIV ~ Embodiment V: Founders of the Faith - Middle Age(s) Mystic Men

    • Founders of the Faith

    • Class Prep ~ Embodiment V: Contemplative Devotional Reading List

    • Suffering for Good

    • Cultivating Availability for God

    • Founding Fathers

    • Magnetizing Ministers - A Testament to Christianity

    • How God Reveals Himself

    • The Meaning of Mystic

    • The Holy Spirit Experience of God

    • Road Map to the End

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    Module XV ~ Embodiment VI: Protectors of the Faith - Female Mystics & House Preachers

    • Mystic Ladies

    • Class Prep ~ Embodiment VI: Contemplative Devotional Reading List

    • Opening Ritual of Appreciation

    • Where Mysticism Fits in the Blueprint of Discernment

    • Where Mysticism Fits in the Mystery of Christianity

    • Authenticating Experiences

    • Human Resistance to Visionaries of God

    • Unchecked Churches

    • Baptisms: claiming authority that you don't have

    • The Unrecognizable Christ

    • The House Preachers

    • Mystic Ladies

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    Module XVI ~ Equipping for the Battle III: Armour of God & The Gifts of The Spirit

    • Equipping for the Battle III: Armour of God & The Gifts of the Spirit

    • Class Prep ~ Equip III: Contemplative Devotional Reading List

    • A Humble Minister

    • The Armour of God

    • Armour of God: Righteous Use of Gifts

    • Putting on the Full Armour of God

    • Helmet: the first defence

    • Starving Out the Enemy

    • How to Earn More Gifts

    • Decoding Your Instructions

    • When to Use Your Gifts

    • 12 Tribal Arches

    • In Relationship with Gifts

    • The Fruits of the Spirit

    • Spiritual Gifts

    • The Gift of Ministry

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    Module XVII ~ Spiritual Warfare III: Warrior for God’s Army - Defender of Humanity / Protector of Reality

    • Third Wave: What's Come Next

    • Class Prep ~ Spiritual Warfare III: Contemplative Devotional Reading List

    • Monastic Traditions

    • Theories on Afterlife

    • Natural Revealations

    • Allies & Idols

    • Christians & Catholics

    • The Living Word

    • Final Warfare

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    Where To Go From Here

    • Congratulations! Here are some more resources for you

    • Selah Bonus Class

    • The Sacred State of Selah

    • Stillness, Space, & Selah

    • End of the Journey Feedback Survey

Including 17 Modules

diving deep into discernment, embodiment, and equipping for spiritual warfare. This flagship program takes an unconventional look into the Bible for the answers.

I'm ready to dig deep!