Torah Tarot Readings: Unlocking Guidance and Learning the Bible Through Cards

Rev.Rynn's StrixLand Run Ministries provides supplementary teachings and support to those who feel the church has abandoned or judged them for their sensitivities, abilities, and histories through programs like Mystic Christian Fellowship services, Bible studies, and (psychological/) spiritual warfare guidance programs.

  • Who is this course for? This course is for those who find their practices and faith need to be reconciled. Many people need validation when they are seeking guidance or to get clarity on what the Bible says.

  • Why use cards? When in exile and unable to study their Bible, the Hebrew people came up with a genius way to connect with their faith... through cards! Learn to read the Bible in the old way - through card play - as you unlock the sometimes confusing guidance the Bible has to offer you.

  • What will be covered in this course? This course includes teachings from the Holy Bible (Pentateuch/Torah), the Kabbalah, the Hebrew letters, the Tarot, as well as the history of the use of cards as a Bible study tool, and appropriate card reading spreads and techniques for Christians to use.

Unlocked and Live Starting Jan 21, 2024!

Follow Rev.Rynn, the Ordained Christian Minister and leader of StrixLand Run Ministries' Mystic Christian Fellowship, through the techniques of using cards to deepen your understanding of the Bible in this forgotten historical study tool. With weekly releases, we will dive deeper and deeper into understanding the richness of what the Bible has to say in guiding your life.

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Course curriculum

This course includes teachings from the Bible (Pentateuch/Torah), the Kabbalah, the Hebrew letters, the Tarot, and the history of the use of cards as a Bible study tool.

  • 1


  • 2

    Unit I

    • Unit I Primer - Optional Reading List

    • Unit 1 Live Class Replay

  • 3

    Module I - Integrity in Divination

    • Psycho(logy) vs Psychic

    • Develop Discernment

    • Divination vs Study Tool

    • 'Cultivation of Faith' Practices

    • To get the most out of this course experience: Organizing your practices

    • What is the difference and how do I enter into these practices?

    • Clarification on Utilizing the Practices

    • Integrative Practices: Moving Meditations

    • Separation to Make Space for Awareness

  • 4

    Module II - Initiations: Readiness & Innate Knowing

    • What to expect for each Archetype Embodiment card

    • How to get your hands on the promoted cards

    • Readiness - the Fool

    • The Fool - Reference Cards

    • The Fool Decoded

    • The Fool's Mystic Journey

    • The Fool

    • Understanding Wisdom - The Feminine Influence

    • The Priestess - Reference Cards

    • The Priestess Decoded

    • The Priestess' Mystic Journey

    • The Priestess

    • The Empress - Reference Cards

    • The Empress Decoded

    • The Empress' Mystic Journey

    • The Empress

    • The Hermit's Retreat

    • The Hermit - Reference Cards

    • The Hermit Decoded

    • The Hermit's Mystic Journey

    • The Hermit

  • 5

    Module III - Skills

    • Divine Draw

    • Trinity Draw

  • 6

    Unit II

    • Unit II Primer - Optional Reading List

    • Unit II - Live Class Replay

  • 7

    Module IV - Integrity in Divination

    • Divination vs. Divinely Guided readings

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    Module V - Initiations: Strengths - Masculine

    • Mastery of the Magus

    • The Magician - Reference Cards

    • The Magician Decoded

    • The Magus' Mystic Journey

    • The Magus

    • The Mediator & Medium - the Hierophant

    • The Pope - Reference Cards

    • The Pope/Priest/Hierophant Decoded

    • The Hierophant's Mystic Journey

    • The Hierophant

    • The Stable Authority of the Emperor

    • The Emperor - Reference Cards

    • The Emperor Decoded

    • The Emperor's Mystic Journey

    • The Emperor

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    Module VI - Skills

    • Celtic Cross

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    Unit III

    • Unit III Primer - Optional Reading List

    • Unit 3 Live Class replay

  • 11

    Module VII - Integrity in Divination

    • ClairCognizance: Mystic vs Expertise Approach

    • Mysticism & Discernment - What is Mysticism?

    • Teasing a Question

  • 12

    Module VIII - Initiations: Strengths - Powers

    • Knowing and Showing Your Strength

    • Force - Reference Cards

    • Force Decoded

    • The Force's Mystical Journey

    • Force

    • Rise and Shine!!!

    • The Sun - Reference Cards

    • The Sun Decoded

    • The Sun's Mystical Journey

    • The Sun

    • Expanding your Influence Through the Hero's Journey

    • The World - Reference Cards

    • The World Decoded

    • The World's Mystical Journey

    • The World

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    Module IX - Skills

    • Tree of Life

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    Unit IV

    • Unit IV Primer - Optional Reading List

    • Unit 4 Live Class Replay

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    Module X - Integrity in Divination

    • Mysticism via the Deck

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    Module XI - Initiations: Challenges - Fears

    • Hanging Out in No Man's Land

    • The Hanged Man - Reference Cards

    • The Hanged Man Decoded

    • The Hanged Man's Mystical Journey

    • The Hanged Man

    • Bound for Better or for Worse

    • The Devil - Reference Cards

    • The Devil Decoded

    • The Devil's Mystical Journey

    • The Devil

    • To Face What Lies in the Depth of the Dark...

    • The Moon - Reference Cards

    • The Moon Decoded

    • The Moon's Mystical Journey

    • The Moon

  • 17

    Module XII - Origins

    • Version 1 - Invention

    • Version 2 - Utilization

    • Version 3 - Projection

    • Mystic Christian Adaptations

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    Unit V

    • Unit V Primer - Optional Reading List

    • Unit V - Live Class Replay

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    Module XIII - Integrity in Divination

    • In vs Out of Alignment for You ... the inescapable truth

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    Module XIV - Initiations: Challenges - Renewal

    • Memento mori

    • Death - Reference Cards

    • Death Decoded

    • Death's Mystical Journey

    • Death

    • What No Longer Serves

    • Tower - Reference Cards

    • Tower Decoded

    • The Tower's Mystic Journey

    • The Tower

    • Rewrite the Stars

    • The Stars - Reference Cards

    • The Stars Decoded

    • The Stars' Mystical Journey

    • The Star

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    Module XV - Versions

    • Visconti

    • Marseille

    • Raider - Waite

    • Oracle

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    Unit VI

    • Unit VI Primer - Optional Reading List

    • Unit VI - Live Class Replay

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    Module XVI - Integrity in Divination

    • Right Service vs Max Capacity - Personal vs Professional Readings

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    Module XVII - Initiations: Scales - Choice

    • The Choice of No Choice

    • The Lovers - Reference Cards

    • The Lovers Decoded

    • The Lovers' Mystical Journey

    • The Lovers

    • The Moment the Tides Change... Through Sheer Force of Will

    • The Chariot - Reference Cards

    • The Chariot Decoded

    • The Chariot's Mystical Journey

    • The Chariot

    • The Hero's Journey

    • The Wheel of Fortune - Reference Cards

    • The Wheel of Fortune Decoded

    • The Wheel of Fortune's Mystical Journey

    • The Wheel of Fortune

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    Module XVIII - Lessers

    • Counting Cards - The Numbers Game

    • The Characters

    • Suit Up for the Spiritual Battle

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    Unit VII

    • Unit VII Primer - Optional Reading List

    • Unit VII - Live Class Replay

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    Module XIX - Integrity in Divination

    • Modelling: Perfection vs Application

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    Module XX - Initiations: Scales - Balance

    • It All Comes Down To This...

    • Judgement - Reference Cards

    • Judgement Decoded

    • Judgement's Mystical Journey

    • Judgement

    • Balancing the Scales - Judge, Jury, or Executioner

    • Justice - Reference Cards

    • Justice Decoded

    • Justice's Mystical Journey

    • Justice

    • In Alignment with Your Highest Purpose - The Living Legacy

    • Temperance - Reference Cards

    • Temperance Decoded

    • Temperance's Mystical Journey

    • Temperance

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    Module XXI - Skills

    • The Mystic Christian Cross

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    You did it!!

    • Should the Initiation Mastery Teachings be released?

    • Finding the Resources