Follow Hartwell, our master astrological alchemist, through the layers for revealing your true self. With weekly releases, we will dive deeper and deeper into understanding the fullness of your potential.

Claiming the Gift of Your True Self

Amongst systems that seek to explain us to ourselves, the Human Design system is relatively new on the scene, yet it has already begun to revolutionize the human potential movement.

  • Through Human Design we can see and understand our own uniqueness.

  • We stop chasing that which we can never be, and finally and fully turn to claiming the magic and wonder of our true selves.

  • In this ten-module course, the basic concepts of human design are introduced: types, centres, channels, decision-making strategies, the not-self, and the authentic self.

  • Students will experience a significant expansion of their ability to understand self and others as well as a deeper ability to live as themselves.

Course curriculum

In this ten-module course, explore the basic concepts of human design are introduced: types, centres, channels, decision-making strategies, the not-self, and the authentic self. More info coming soon...

  • 2

    Module 1: Gates

    • Gates - Live class Replay

  • 3

    Module 2: Types & Power Centres

    • Types & Power Centres - Live Class Replay

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    Module 3: Types and Awareness Centres

    • Types and Awareness Centres - Live Class Replay

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    Module 4: Types - Manifesting Generators & Reflectors

    • Manifesting Generators & Reflectors - Live Class Replay

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    Module 5: Astrology

    • Astrology - Live Class Replay

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    Module 6: Circuitry

    • Circuitry - Live Class Replay

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    Module 7: Lines & Profiles

    • Lines & Profiles - Live Class Replay

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    Module 8: Gene Keys & the Genius Activation Sequence

    • Gene Keys & the Genius Activation Sequence - Live Class Replay

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    Module 9: Interacting with Others

    • Interacting with Others - Live Class Replay Part I

    • Interacting with Others - Live Class Replay Part II

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    Module 10: Motivation and Transference; Prosperity; and Course Summary

    • Motivation and Transference; Prosperity; and Course Summary - Live Class Replay